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Тема: Проблема с организацией входящей связи.

28.04.05 18:06   staford  (5/28.04.05)  

Возникли проблемы по организации входящей связи на мини АТС Panasonic TDA100. Имеется плата IP-GW4E шлюзом которой является GateKeeper. Звонок доходит до платы и возвращается сообщение Release Complete со значением Normal Unspecified(31).

Log гейткипера
28/04/2005 19:31:09 Q.931, 0x00000000, got message from caller: Cisco5350 at
28/04/2005 19:31:09 Type: Setup(0x5)
28/04/2005 19:31:09 ProtocolDiscriminator : 8
28/04/2005 19:31:09 Call Reference: length (in octets): 2, value (in hex): 16 D8 , flag: 0 - origination side
28/04/2005 19:31:09 Contains 4 elements
28/04/2005 19:31:09 [BearerCapability] (0x4)
28/04/2005 19:31:09   Transfer capability: Speech (0x0)
28/04/2005 19:31:09   Transfer Mode: Circuit (0x0)
28/04/2005 19:31:09   Transfer Rate: r64k (0x10)
28/04/2005 19:31:09   Layer 1 Protocol: G711ALaw (0x3)
28/04/2005 19:31:09 [CallingPartyNumber] (0x6c)
28/04/2005 19:31:09   Number Type: International (0x1)
28/04/2005 19:31:09   Numbering Plan: ISDN E.164 (0x1)
28/04/2005 19:31:09   Presentaion Indicator: Allowed (0x0)
28/04/2005 19:31:09   Screening Indicator: Network provied (0x3)
28/04/2005 19:31:09   Number ‘73212495851’
28/04/2005 19:31:09 [CalledPartyNumber] (0x70)
28/04/2005 19:31:09   Number Type: International (0x1)
28/04/2005 19:31:09   Numbering Plan: ISDN E.164 (0x1)
28/04/2005 19:31:09   Number ‘73212495640’
28/04/2005 19:31:09 [UserUser] (0x7e)
28/04/2005 19:31:09   Protocol Discriminator: 5
28/04/2005 19:31:09 User-User {
28/04/2005 19:31:09 H323_uu_pdu {
28/04/2005 19:31:09 H323_message_body Setup {
28/04/2005 19:31:09 ProtocolIdentifier: { 0, 0, 8, 2250, 0, 4 }
28/04/2005 19:31:09     SourceAddress count(1) {
28/04/2005 19:31:09 #0 H323_ID: 'c5350-1'
28/04/2005 19:31:09 }
28/04/2005 19:31:09     SourceInfo {
28/04/2005 19:31:09 Vendor {
28/04/2005 19:31:09 Vendor {
28/04/2005 19:31:09 T35CountryCode: 181 (0xb5)
28/04/2005 19:31:09 T35Extension: 0 (0x0)
28/04/2005 19:31:09 ManufacturerCode: 18 (0x12)
28/04/2005 19:31:09 }
28/04/2005 19:31:09       }
28/04/2005 19:31:09       Gateway {
28/04/2005 19:31:09 Protocol count(1) {
28/04/2005 19:31:09 #0 Voice {
28/04/2005 19:31:09 SupportedPrefixes: <empty>
28/04/2005 19:31:09 }
28/04/2005 19:31:09       }
28/04/2005 19:31:09       }
28/04/2005 19:31:09       Mc: false
28/04/2005 19:31:09       UndefinedNode: false
28/04/2005 19:31:09     }
28/04/2005 19:31:09     ActiveMC: false
28/04/2005 19:31:09     ConferenceID: 16 octets [D3 C8 27 1E 33 A1 11 D4 8C C7 F4 6C 0B 1D 60 37]
28/04/2005 19:31:09     ConferenceGoal Create
28/04/2005 19:31:09     CallType PointToPoint
28/04/2005 19:31:09     SourceCallSignalAddress IpAddress {
28/04/2005 19:31:09 Ip: 4 octets [C0 A8 FB 01] (
28/04/2005 19:31:09 Port: 28080 (0x6db0)
28/04/2005 19:31:09 }
28/04/2005 19:31:09     CallIdentifier {
28/04/2005 19:31:09 Guid: 16 octets [D3 C8 27 1E 33 A1 11 D4 8C C9 F4 6C 0B 1D 60 37]
28/04/2005 19:31:09 }
28/04/2005 19:31:09     FastStart count(2) {
28/04/2005 19:31:09 #0: 19 octets [00 00 00 0D 40 01 80 0B 05 00 01 00 C0 A8 FB 01 46 55 00]
28/04/2005 19:31:09 #1: 30 octets [40 00 00 06 04 01 00 4D 40 01 80 12 15 00 01 00 C0 A8 FB 01 46 54 00 C0 A8 FB 01 46 55 00]
28/04/2005 19:31:09 }
28/04/2005 19:31:09     MediaWaitForConnect: false
28/04/2005 19:31:09     CanOverlapSend: false
28/04/2005 19:31:09     MultipleCalls: true
28/04/2005 19:31:09     MaintainConnection: true
28/04/2005 19:31:09     SymmetricOperationRequired
28/04/2005 19:31:09   }
28/04/2005 19:31:09   H245Tunneling: true
28/04/2005 19:31:09   NonStandardControl count(1) {
28/04/2005 19:31:09 #0 {
28/04/2005 19:31:09 NonStandardIdentifier H221NonStandard {
28/04/2005 19:31:09 T35CountryCode: 181 (0xb5)
28/04/2005 19:31:09 T35Extension: 0 (0x0)
28/04/2005 19:31:09 ManufacturerCode: 18 (0x12)
28/04/2005 19:31:09 }
28/04/2005 19:31:09       Data: 247 octets [E0 01 01 00 01 A1 80 E6 A1 04 03 80 90 A3 18 03 A1 83 83 1E 02 82 83 6C 0D 11 83 37 33 32 31 32 34 39 35 38 35 31 70 0C 91 37 33 32 31 32 34 39 35 36 34 30 1C B8 9E 01 00 03 67 74 64 00 00 00 AD 49 41 4D 2C 0D 0A 50 52 4E 2C 69 73 64 6E 2A 2C 2C 2C 0D 0A 55 53 49 2C 72 61 74 65 2C 63 2C 73 2C 63 2C 31 0D 0A 55 53 49 2C 6C 61 79 31 2C 61 6C 61 77 0D 0A 54 4D 52 2C 30 30 0D 0A 43 50 4E 2C 30 36 2C 2C 31 2C 37 33 32 31 32 34 39 35 36 34 30 0D 0A 43 47 4E 2C 30 36 2C 2C 31 2C 79 2C 34 2C 37 33 32 31 32 34 39 35 38 35 31 0D 0A 43 50 43 2C 30 39 0D 0A 46 43 49 2C 2C 2C 2C 2C 2C 2C 79 2C 0D 0A 47 43 49 2C 64 33 63 38 32 37 31 65 33 33 61 31 31 31 64 34 38 63 63 37 66 34 36 63 30 62 31 64 36 30 33 37 0D 0A 0D 0A 06 80 06 00 04 00 00 00 03]
28/04/2005 19:31:09     }
28/04/2005 19:31:09   }
28/04/2005 19:31:09   TunnelledSignallingMessage {
28/04/2005 19:31:09 TunnelledProtocolID {
28/04/2005 19:31:09 Id TunnelledProtocolAlternateID {
28/04/2005 19:31:09 ProtocolType: 'gtd'
28/04/2005 19:31:09 }
28/04/2005 19:31:09     }
28/04/2005 19:31:09     MessageContent count(1) {
28/04/2005 19:31:09 #0: 173 octets [49 41 4D 2C 0D 0A 50 52 4E 2C 69 73 64 6E 2A 2C 2C 2C 0D 0A 55 53 49 2C 72 61 74 65 2C 63 2C 73 2C 63 2C 31 0D 0A 55 53 49 2C 6C 61 79 31 2C 61 6C 61 77 0D 0A 54 4D 52 2C 30 30 0D 0A 43 50 4E 2C 30 36 2C 2C 31 2C 37 33 32 31 32 34 39 35 36 34 30 0D 0A 43 47 4E 2C 30 36 2C 2C 31 2C 79 2C 34 2C 37 33 32 31 32 34 39 35 38 35 31 0D 0A 43 50 43 2C 30 39 0D 0A 46 43 49 2C 2C 2C 2C 2C 2C 2C 79 2C 0D 0A 47 43 49 2C 64 33 63 38 32 37 31 65 33 33 61 31 31 31 64 34 38 63 63 37 66 34 36 63 30 62 31 64 36 30 33 37 0D 0A 0D 0A]
28/04/2005 19:31:09 }
28/04/2005 19:31:09   }
28/04/2005 19:31:09   }
28/04/2005 19:31:09 }
28/04/2005 19:31:09 Chosen route:    Tais with Cost: (no cost), Bandwidth: 50000*10^2
28/04/2005 19:31:09 ### Connection created: 0x0823ff38
28/04/2005 19:31:09 Bandwidth occupied: 1280*10^2 bits with 1 zone(s) involved.
28/04/2005 19:31:09     in replace of: 0*10^2 bits with 0 zone(s) involved.
28/04/2005 19:31:09 Connection started by CS request. Between caller: Cisco5350 and callee: Tais type: Routed
28/04/2005 19:31:09 Retermination impossible anymore from this point. Because of there is no any alternatives.
28/04/2005 19:31:09 Q.931, callee stream opened to
28/04/2005 19:31:09 Q.931, 0x0823ff38, send message to callee: Tais at
28/04/2005 19:31:09 Type: Setup(0x5)
28/04/2005 19:31:09 ProtocolDiscriminator : 8
28/04/2005 19:31:09 Call Reference: length (in octets): 2, value (in hex): 16 D8 , flag: 0 - origination side
28/04/2005 19:31:09 Contains 4 elements
28/04/2005 19:31:09 [BearerCapability] (0x4)
28/04/2005 19:31:09   Transfer capability: Speech (0x0)
28/04/2005 19:31:09   Transfer Mode: Circuit (0x0)
28/04/2005 19:31:09   Transfer Rate: r64k (0x10)
28/04/2005 19:31:09   Layer 1 Protocol: G711ALaw (0x3)
28/04/2005 19:31:09 [CallingPartyNumber] (0x6c)
28/04/2005 19:31:09   Number Type: International (0x1)
28/04/2005 19:31:09   Numbering Plan: ISDN E.164 (0x1)
28/04/2005 19:31:09   Presentaion Indicator: Allowed (0x0)
28/04/2005 19:31:09   Screening Indicator: Network provied (0x3)
28/04/2005 19:31:09   Number ‘73212495851’
28/04/2005 19:31:09 [CalledPartyNumber] (0x70)
28/04/2005 19:31:09   Number Type: International (0x1)
28/04/2005 19:31:09   Numbering Plan: ISDN E.164 (0x1)
28/04/2005 19:31:09   Number ‘640’
28/04/2005 19:31:09 [UserUser] (0x7e)
28/04/2005 19:31:09   Protocol Discriminator: 5
28/04/2005 19:31:09 User-User {
28/04/2005 19:31:09 H323_uu_pdu {
28/04/2005 19:31:09 H323_message_body Setup {
28/04/2005 19:31:09 ProtocolIdentifier: { 0, 0, 8, 2250, 0, 4 }
28/04/2005 19:31:09     SourceAddress count(1) {
28/04/2005 19:31:09 #0 H323_ID: 'c5350-1'
28/04/2005 19:31:09 }
28/04/2005 19:31:09     SourceInfo {
28/04/2005 19:31:09 Vendor {
28/04/2005 19:31:09 Vendor {
28/04/2005 19:31:09 T35CountryCode: 181 (0xb5)
28/04/2005 19:31:09 T35Extension: 0 (0x0)
28/04/2005 19:31:09 ManufacturerCode: 18 (0x12)
28/04/2005 19:31:09 }
28/04/2005 19:31:09       }
28/04/2005 19:31:09       Gateway {
28/04/2005 19:31:09 Protocol count(1) {
28/04/2005 19:31:09 #0 Voice {
28/04/2005 19:31:09 SupportedPrefixes: <empty>
28/04/2005 19:31:09 }
28/04/2005 19:31:09       }
28/04/2005 19:31:09       }
28/04/2005 19:31:09       Mc: false
28/04/2005 19:31:09       UndefinedNode: false
28/04/2005 19:31:09     }
28/04/2005 19:31:09     ActiveMC: false
28/04/2005 19:31:09     ConferenceID: 16 octets [D3 C8 27 1E 33 A1 11 D4 8C C7 F4 6C 0B 1D 60 37]
28/04/2005 19:31:09     ConferenceGoal Create
28/04/2005 19:31:09     CallType PointToPoint
28/04/2005 19:31:09     SourceCallSignalAddress IpAddress {
28/04/2005 19:31:09 Ip: 4 octets [C0 A8 FB 04] (
28/04/2005 19:31:09 Port: 45723 (0xb29b)
28/04/2005 19:31:09 }
28/04/2005 19:31:09     CallIdentifier {
28/04/2005 19:31:09 Guid: 16 octets [D3 C8 27 1E 33 A1 11 D4 8C C9 F4 6C 0B 1D 60 37]
28/04/2005 19:31:09 }
28/04/2005 19:31:09     MediaWaitForConnect: false
28/04/2005 19:31:09     CanOverlapSend: false
28/04/2005 19:31:09     MultipleCalls: false
28/04/2005 19:31:09     MaintainConnection: false
28/04/2005 19:31:09     SymmetricOperationRequired
28/04/2005 19:31:09   }
28/04/2005 19:31:09   H245Tunneling: true
28/04/2005 19:31:09   NonStandardControl count(1) {
28/04/2005 19:31:09 #0 {
28/04/2005 19:31:09 NonStandardIdentifier H221NonStandard {
28/04/2005 19:31:09 T35CountryCode: 181 (0xb5)
28/04/2005 19:31:09 T35Extension: 0 (0x0)
28/04/2005 19:31:09 ManufacturerCode: 18 (0x12)
28/04/2005 19:31:09 }
28/04/2005 19:31:09       Data: 247 octets [E0 01 01 00 01 A1 80 E6 A1 04 03 80 90 A3 18 03 A1 83 83 1E 02 82 83 6C 0D 11 83 37 33 32 31 32 34 39 35 38 35 31 70 0C 91 37 33 32 31 32 34 39 35 36 34 30 1C B8 9E 01 00 03 67 74 64 00 00 00 AD 49 41 4D 2C 0D 0A 50 52 4E 2C 69 73 64 6E 2A 2C 2C 2C 0D 0A 55 53 49 2C 72 61 74 65 2C 63 2C 73 2C 63 2C 31 0D 0A 55 53 49 2C 6C 61 79 31 2C 61 6C 61 77 0D 0A 54 4D 52 2C 30 30 0D 0A 43 50 4E 2C 30 36 2C 2C 31 2C 37 33 32 31 32 34 39 35 36 34 30 0D 0A 43 47 4E 2C 30 36 2C 2C 31 2C 79 2C 34 2C 37 33 32 31 32 34 39 35 38 35 31 0D 0A 43 50 43 2C 30 39 0D 0A 46 43 49 2C 2C 2C 2C 2C 2C 2C 79 2C 0D 0A 47 43 49 2C 64 33 63 38 32 37 31 65 33 33 61 31 31 31 64 34 38 63 63 37 66 34 36 63 30 62 31 64 36 30 33 37 0D 0A 0D 0A 06 80 06 00 04 00 00 00 03]
28/04/2005 19:31:09     }
28/04/2005 19:31:09   }
28/04/2005 19:31:09   TunnelledSignallingMessage {
28/04/2005 19:31:09 TunnelledProtocolID {
28/04/2005 19:31:09 Id TunnelledProtocolAlternateID {
28/04/2005 19:31:09 ProtocolType: 'gtd'
28/04/2005 19:31:09 }
28/04/2005 19:31:09     }
28/04/2005 19:31:09     MessageContent count(1) {
28/04/2005 19:31:09 #0: 173 octets [49 41 4D 2C 0D 0A 50 52 4E 2C 69 73 64 6E 2A 2C 2C 2C 0D 0A 55 53 49 2C 72 61 74 65 2C 63 2C 73 2C 63 2C 31 0D 0A 55 53 49 2C 6C 61 79 31 2C 61 6C 61 77 0D 0A 54 4D 52 2C 30 30 0D 0A 43 50 4E 2C 30 36 2C 2C 31 2C 37 33 32 31 32 34 39 35 36 34 30 0D 0A 43 47 4E 2C 30 36 2C 2C 31 2C 79 2C 34 2C 37 33 32 31 32 34 39 35 38 35 31 0D 0A 43 50 43 2C 30 39 0D 0A 46 43 49 2C 2C 2C 2C 2C 2C 2C 79 2C 0D 0A 47 43 49 2C 64 33 63 38 32 37 31 65 33 33 61 31 31 31 64 34 38 63 63 37 66 34 36 63 30 62 31 64 36 30 33 37 0D 0A 0D 0A]
28/04/2005 19:31:09 }
28/04/2005 19:31:09   }
28/04/2005 19:31:09   }
28/04/2005 19:31:09 }
28/04/2005 19:31:09 Q.931, 0x0823ff38, got message from callee: Tais at
28/04/2005 19:31:09 Type: ReleaseComplete(0x5a)
28/04/2005 19:31:09 ProtocolDiscriminator : 8
28/04/2005 19:31:09 Call Reference: length (in octets): 2, value (in hex): 16 D8 , flag: 1 - destination side
28/04/2005 19:31:09 Contains 2 elements
28/04/2005 19:31:09 [Cause] (0x8)
28/04/2005 19:31:09   Coding Standard: CCITT standardized coding, as described below (0)
28/04/2005 19:31:09   Location: user (0)
28/04/2005 19:31:09   Recommendation: Q.931 (0)
28/04/2005 19:31:09   Value: Normal, unspecified (31)
28/04/2005 19:31:09 [UserUser] (0x7e)
28/04/2005 19:31:09   Protocol Discriminator: 5
28/04/2005 19:31:09 User-User {
28/04/2005 19:31:09 H323_uu_pdu {
28/04/2005 19:31:09 H323_message_body ReleaseComplete {
28/04/2005 19:31:09 ProtocolIdentifier: { 0, 0, 8, 2250, 0, 4 }
28/04/2005 19:31:09     CallIdentifier {
28/04/2005 19:31:09 Guid: 16 octets [D3 C8 27 1E 33 A1 11 D4 8C C9 F4 6C 0B 1D 60 37]
28/04/2005 19:31:09 }
28/04/2005 19:31:09   }
28/04/2005 19:31:09   H245Tunneling: false
28/04/2005 19:31:09   }
28/04/2005 19:31:09 }
28/04/2005 19:31:09 Q.931, 0x0823ff38, send message to caller: Cisco5350 at
28/04/2005 19:31:09 Type: ReleaseComplete(0x5a)
28/04/2005 19:31:09 ProtocolDiscriminator : 8
28/04/2005 19:31:09 Call Reference: length (in octets): 2, value (in hex): 16 D8 , flag: 1 - destination side
28/04/2005 19:31:09 Contains 2 elements
28/04/2005 19:31:09 [Cause] (0x8)
28/04/2005 19:31:09   Coding Standard: CCITT standardized coding, as described below (0)
28/04/2005 19:31:09   Location: user (0)
28/04/2005 19:31:09   Recommendation: Q.931 (0)
28/04/2005 19:31:09   Value: Normal, unspecified (31)
28/04/2005 19:31:09 [UserUser] (0x7e)
28/04/2005 19:31:09   Protocol Discriminator: 5
28/04/2005 19:31:09 User-User {
28/04/2005 19:31:09 H323_uu_pdu {
28/04/2005 19:31:09 H323_message_body ReleaseComplete {
28/04/2005 19:31:09 ProtocolIdentifier: { 0, 0, 8, 2250, 0, 4 }
28/04/2005 19:31:09     CallIdentifier {
28/04/2005 19:31:09 Guid: 16 octets [D3 C8 27 1E 33 A1 11 D4 8C C9 F4 6C 0B 1D 60 37]
28/04/2005 19:31:09 }
28/04/2005 19:31:09   }
28/04/2005 19:31:09   H245Tunneling: false
28/04/2005 19:31:09   }
28/04/2005 19:31:09 }
28/04/2005 19:31:09 Q.931, 0x0823ff38, got message from caller: Cisco5350 at
28/04/2005 19:31:09 Type: ReleaseComplete(0x5a)
28/04/2005 19:31:09 ProtocolDiscriminator : 8
28/04/2005 19:31:09 Call Reference: length (in octets): 2, value (in hex): 16 D8 , flag: 0 - origination side
28/04/2005 19:31:09 Contains 2 elements
28/04/2005 19:31:09 [Cause] (0x8)
28/04/2005 19:31:09   Coding Standard: CCITT standardized coding, as described below (0)
28/04/2005 19:31:09   Location: user (0)
28/04/2005 19:31:09   Recommendation: Q.931 (0)
28/04/2005 19:31:09   Value: Normal, unspecified (31)
28/04/2005 19:31:09 [UserUser] (0x7e)
28/04/2005 19:31:09   Protocol Discriminator: 5
28/04/2005 19:31:09 User-User {
28/04/2005 19:31:09 H323_uu_pdu {
28/04/2005 19:31:09 H323_message_body ReleaseComplete {
28/04/2005 19:31:09 ProtocolIdentifier: { 0, 0, 8, 2250, 0, 4 }
28/04/2005 19:31:09     CallIdentifier {
28/04/2005 19:31:09 Guid: 16 octets [D3 C8 27 1E 33 A1 11 D4 8C C9 F4 6C 0B 1D 60 37]
28/04/2005 19:31:09 }
28/04/2005 19:31:09   }
28/04/2005 19:31:09   H245Tunneling: true
28/04/2005 19:31:09   }
28/04/2005 19:31:09 }
28/04/2005 19:31:09 Q.931, 0x0823ff38, send message to callee: Tais at
28/04/2005 19:31:09 Type: ReleaseComplete(0x5a)
28/04/2005 19:31:09 ProtocolDiscriminator : 8
28/04/2005 19:31:09 Call Reference: length (in octets): 2, value (in hex): 16 D8 , flag: 0 - origination side
28/04/2005 19:31:09 Contains 2 elements
28/04/2005 19:31:09 [Cause] (0x8)
28/04/2005 19:31:09   Coding Standard: CCITT standardized coding, as described below (0)
28/04/2005 19:31:09   Location: user (0)
28/04/2005 19:31:09   Recommendation: Q.931 (0)
28/04/2005 19:31:09   Value: Normal, unspecified (31)
28/04/2005 19:31:09 [UserUser] (0x7e)
28/04/2005 19:31:09   Protocol Discriminator: 5
28/04/2005 19:31:09 User-User {
28/04/2005 19:31:09 H323_uu_pdu {
28/04/2005 19:31:09 H323_message_body ReleaseComplete {
28/04/2005 19:31:09 ProtocolIdentifier: { 0, 0, 8, 2250, 0, 4 }
28/04/2005 19:31:09     CallIdentifier {
28/04/2005 19:31:09 Guid: 16 octets [D3 C8 27 1E 33 A1 11 D4 8C C9 F4 6C 0B 1D 60 37]
28/04/2005 19:31:09 }
28/04/2005 19:31:09   }
28/04/2005 19:31:09   H245Tunneling: true
28/04/2005 19:31:09   }
28/04/2005 19:31:09 }
28/04/2005 19:31:09 Q.931, stream closed by remote host
28/04/2005 19:31:09 Bandwidth occupied: 0*10^2 bits with 0 zone(s) involved.
28/04/2005 19:31:09     in replace of: 1280*10^2 bits with 1 zone(s) involved.
28/04/2005 19:31:09 Connection stopped. Between caller: Cisco5350 and callee: Tais
28/04/2005 19:31:09 ### Connection destroyed: 0x0823ff38

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